Please Don’t Put Vicks VapoRub in Your Vagina, We Beg of You

In news that shouldn’t have to be said: ladies, do not put Vicks VapoRub in your vagina. No matter what the internet tells you, or what you’ve read on some stupid forum. We repeat, because it bears repeating: DO NOT PUT VICKS IN YOUR VAGINA. Apparently, there are women who use Vicks on their vaginas to help with itching and foul odor. I just … what the actual fuck, you guys.

Image: Giphy

Putting Vicks VapoRub in your vagina will not cure you of anything. Least of all, the abject stupidity from which you seem to be suffering.

This bizarre new trend has turned up on health forums and other parts of the internet. Some women claim that putting Vicks down there will cure thrush and help with “unpleasant odor”. First of all, see a goddamn doctor. Second of all, YOUR VAGINA HAS AN ODOR. And that is normal! If it smells different than usual, see a goddamn doctor.

But do not, under any circumstances, put fucking Vicks on your vagina.

vicks vaporub in your vagina
Image: Health24

“Vicks is not a good idea in this sensitive area.” You don’t fucking say!

vicks vaporub in your vagina
Image: Health24

“It won’t hurt you a bit” says the anonymous health forum poster. Good enough for me!

Putting Vicks VapoRub in your vagina, or on your vagina, or anywhere near your vagina will give you ZERO health benefits. In fact, it can actually cause bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections! Vaginas are nature’s miracles, they do so much and are so amazing. They also clean themselves, so unless you have a diagnosed medical problem, they don’t need your damn help. Let them be the amazing natural phenomenons that they are, and leave the Vicks for your chest colds.

Image: Giphy

If you’ve got an itch, weird discharge, or notice your vag smells a little off (it’s not supposed to smell like roses, but you’ll know when something’s up down there), for fuck’s sake, see a doctor or get thee to Planned Parenthood. But whatever you do, don’t put Vicks in, on, or around your vag. And maybe don’t get health advice from anonymous randos on the internet. That never ends well.

Also read:

(Image: Facebook / fizkes)

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