Thanksgiving Family Arguments – Politics Edition

Thanksgiving family political arguments, WOOT!

Yes, it’s that time of year again. The time when we gather round a roasted bird and give thanks for our blessings…and then violently argue over whether Obama is the anti-Christ or not. Yes folks, I’m talking about politics. Or rather, how much we all love to fight about them.

A quick search on Twitter shows just how common this argument is. And it’s HILARIOUS. This is why I hate arguing about politics. No one ever wins these arguments either. A turkey and wine soaked screaming match with your racist grandpa isn’t going to convince him that Obama isn’t a Muslim terrorist any more than he’s going to convince you that Sarah Palin isn’t actually a lizard person.

Some people enjoy a good political spar with their relatives. To these people, I say bravo on being patient and level-headed. For the rest of us, there is Twitter, where we can bitch to our heart’s content. Below are my favorite Thanksgiving family political arguments-related tweets (damn that’s a mouthful). These make me thankful that my family are sane booze loving people. As they should be.

Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments
Thanksgiving family political arguments

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