Daycare Owner Charged With Drugging Milk So That Kids Would Nap

Many of us admit to slightly drugging our children during a long plane ride so that they’ll sleep but, um, we don’t exactly expect our daycare providers to do the same. But the owner of a Van Alstyne, Texas, daycare has been accused of putting antihistamines in children’s milk so that they’d fall asleep after lunch, reports MSNBC.

This is absolutely terrifying! Sure, we all need a break every now and then but a daycare provider drugging 16 kids under her care? Completely unacceptable. And frightening. Kimberly Lane, who owns Luv N Learning, has been arrested and charged with 16 counts of child endangerment after someone called authorities to say that she was mixing over-the-counter antihistamine with milk, according to the article. (Lane named her concoction “special milk.”)

The children under Lane’s care ranged in age from 20 months to four years old. She was issued a license to run her daycare last June, and it has been inspected seven times since then. MSNBC writes that three minor “deficiencies” were found in December, but that they were corrected that same month (the deficiencies were for staff records not having a signed affidavit, the director missing two of the required 20 hours of annual training, and a child’s records not having the required hearing and vision testing).

This is the last story moms want to hear during back-to-school season, that’s for sure.

(Photo: iStockphoto)

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