TGI Friday Open Thread: Who Is Cooking With Cilantro Or Other Spices This Weekend?

92570144And by cilantro, I mean cilantro.

You know what I mean. But also cooking! Are you making anything delicious this weekend? It’s gotta be TACO NIGHT somewhere right?

And you know what I mean by taco night.

So lovely readers, what is going on? Are you guys all enjoying freezing to death? My kids had an extra two days off in addition to the gigantic winter break and I almost cried. I love them and all but boy was I happy to stick them on the bus.

Maria needs to know who else is watching The Bachelor. This is all she cares about. I have yet to watch it on my DVR so I am totally useless on this topic.

But I did LOVE seeing Stevie on American Horror Story! And I am so excited for the return of my secret cartoon husband Archer Monday night! Especially now that Lana is in the baby way!

For you childfree by choice people, Julia NEEDS to know why she cannot call herself childfree for now. This is BOTHERING her.

Also, she wants to know how people who co-sleep with their kids have sex.

Which brings us back to cilantro.

Do you guys know that our lovely leader Meghan Keane knows a TON about how the ancient Greeks did it? She does. I am begging her to write us a column about weird historical sex facts.

So what ya cooking tonight?

(Image: getty images)

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