If You Can Even Believe It, Mama June’s Boyfriend Is Not The First Sex Offender She’s Dated

mama-juneThere’s been so much horrific information surfacing about Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Matriarch Mama June that it doesn’t even seem possible that there could be more. There is. She has a history of dating sex offenders. This story is a never-ending mess.

Michael Anthony Ford, who isĀ Chubbs‘ biological father, was convicted for “sexual exploitation of a child over the internet” and served two years in prison. The conviction happened in 2005, shortly after he split with June. The Daily Mail reports that he’s still on the sex offender registry and is back in jail on a separate child abandonment charge.

So let’s see, there was the report that Mama June was dating child molester Mark McDaniel, then we found out that the child molester was her ex – who molested Mama June’s own child, then we saw the horrific report detailing the abuse that Anna endured and learned that three-year-old Lauryn was present for her abuse. Now we learn June has a sick history of being attracted to men who abuse children.

There were reports that Honey Boo Boo‘s father Sugar Bear was going to file for custody, but TMZ reported that he’s decided against it because he doesn’t feel equipped to take care of a nine-year-old. He’s allegedly been living with a friend since he and June split and doesn’t have a place of his own. Jesus. Can anyone is this family not fail these children? Did he make absolutely no money in that reality show circus? How can a father leave his kids with a mother who’s proven she has no problem having them around a registered sex offender who’s already molested one of her children? These kids are being failed at every turn.

I wish there was some way to put all of the money they’ve made for that show into a fund for the children that Mama June can’t go anywhere near. These poor kids. They need someone to take them out of this mess.

(photo: Twitter)

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