Mommyish Poll: Does The ‘Slow Family’ Movement Need To Do Some Rebranding?

Please tell me what idea first pops into your head when you hear about the “slow family” movement. Not something you want to admit on the internet? Me neither. For some reason, that moniker just doesn’t sound like something to be proud of, but the movement embracing it seems awesome! I think it’s time for some rebranding.

Bernadette Noll and Carrie Conty founded the “slow family” movement to encourage families to stop spending so much time at extra-curricular activities and enrichment programs outside the home. Instead, they want parents to slow down and spend time together with their children. Contey says,

“It is about allowing family life to unfold in a way that is joyfully and consciously connected. This means slowing it down, finding comfort in the home and creating the space to see and honor the family as an entity, while simultaneously keeping sight of each member as a unique and valuable individual.”

“Slow family” doesn’t necessarily mean sitting around on your behind all day. It just brings the focus from separate activities in the community to family activities done together. It wants parents and children to take time to enjoy each other’s company and build close bonds that will last after the children move out of the home.

We at Mommyish have written before about the dangers of over-programmed kids and stressed out mothers. I think this movement is definitely one that we can embrace. But it might just need a new name before we jump on the bandwagon. “Slow family”? Really?

Does this movement need a public relations makeover or am I just being meany-kin (as my daughter would say)? What would you call the “slow family” movement?

[b5poll id=”758212e96db2e0af08aad97157bfb2a3″]

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