Mommyish Poll: How Does Your Male Partner Feel About Adoption?

man lightbulbRecently during one of our editorial meetings, a member of the Mommyish staff mentioned that her husband was completely opposed to the idea of adopting a child. She had personally always entertained the idea but her husband had not only never thought about it, he was adamantly opposed. When sharing this sentiment with her friends who were also partnered to men, she found that majority of husbands came down pretty strong on the issue.

A highly-publicized 2008 poll found that men adopted at twice the rate of women, but that primarily had to do with the adoption of stepchildren. As for heterosexual couples who are childless upon their union, men’s sentiments seem to be missing from the data in this first national adoption survey to include men.

So Mommyish readers, how did your husband or boyfriend feel about adoption? Did it ever come up? Were they in turn trying to convince you to adopt? Even if you didn’t end up adopting, give us the details.

[b5poll id=”d9c4b69252b2a282d7e007725fc76cad”]

(photo: Shutterstock)

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