8 Adorable Cats That F&*king Hate Your Baby

There is a quality about cats that I have always loved – their ability to set boundaries. They aren’t taking your shit, okay? And they don’t care if you spent nearly ten months growing a human in your womb — that’s your problem. This new addition to the family is seriously throwing off the feng-shui of the cat castle.

In cat terms, MEOOOW — your baby fucking sucks. Why did you bring that thing into this house? What have you done, stupid human? There was absolutely nothing wrong with our pre-baby living arrangement. The biological clock is a construct of the patriarchy, you puppet.

1. Keep giggling and running, stupid baby.



2. This is my bed you little shit.



3. Get your dumb baby face off my wicker throne.



4. Just keep twirling, you little idiot.



5. Damn you and your whole miserable existence, baby.



6. I’m filled with so much rage right now, you don’t even know.



7. Don’t come prancing in here with your dumb new shoes, baby.



8. Back away from the only spot I have left in this God-forsaken house.



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