TGI Friday Open Thread: Name The Stupidest Baby Purchase You Ever Made

1shutterstock_98375987__1374853447_74.134.205.46For me it was the dreaded “I can’t figure out how the hell to change this” Diaper Genie. Throughout the years I have wasted so much money on stupid things I thought my kids needed that just ended up donated or sitting at the bottom of a box in my scary basement. Baby and kid’s products are a huge industry, and whether it’s a baby gate that you just can’t figure out how to latch or a developmental toy that you feel like your kid MUST have in order to prepare for preschool, we all have bought junk that after trying out, we realize was a whomping waste of money.

Especially when you have your first kid, it’s so tempting to buy a ton of cute things because either everything is so damn adorable and you have no idea what you need. It’s only until after you live with these little humans that you realize they may not have needed three different stationary bouncers.

We here at Mommyish need to know what you felt was a huge waste of money. A playpen? White baby clothing? An electric breast pump that felt creepy and scared you to death? (That one was me)

So tell us, what was totally worth the money and what was so NOT worth the money? Go! Go! Go!

(Image: Nomad_Soul/shutterstock)

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