When Do Baby Teeth Come In, And When Do They Fall Out?

baby teeth
Image: iStock / Seregraff

Once our babies reach around three months old, we begin to wonder when their teeth will appear. Especially when they start drooling all the time and gumming all over everything. Those are usually sure signs their baby teeth won’t be far behind. A lot of the time, our little ones will show signs of teething: discomfort, inability to sleep, maybe even a fever. More often than not, baby teeth themselves will appear out of nowhere; one day you’ll just feel one popping through the skin. But, when can we begin to expect those little teeth? And where will they appear?

Baby Teeth 101:

Obviously the timetable for arrival is very loose. Some babies will get their first teeth around four months. Some may not get their first teeth until around seven months. There’s even a chance your baby will be older than seven months.

Typically, the first teeth to appear are the two front teeth on the bottom. The lower central incisors usually begin to burst through between four and seven months. While they don’t come exactly at the same time, if you see one, the other likely isn’t far behind.

Next up are the upper central incisors. These typically come in between eight and twelve months. These top teeth will complete the cutest little set of razors you will ever see. It feels like those four teeth are the sharpest when they erupt, and you will have a real baby shark on your hands.

Around nine months, your little one’s upper lateral incisors could begin to make an appearance. They pretty much show up between then and 13 months, giving your little four teeth on the top!

In case you haven’t realized it yet, these baby teeth tend to come in sets. Meaning that the lower lateral incisors will come in sometime between 10 and 16 months.

What comes after they turn one?

By their first birthday, there’s a good chance that your little can have up to eight tiny teeth! That’s kind of amazing, and very adorable.

After they turn one, there’s still plenty of teeth that will show up. The first will likely be the upper first molars. Molars can be hell when they’re coming in. They’re big, wide teeth and they usually hurt the most. Expect them between 13 and 19 months.

Somewhere around 14 to 18 months, the lower first molars will join the party. With the set of first molars, your kiddo will likely be able to really do some damage to a plate of dinner (unless they’re a picky eater!)

Rounding the teeth that are visible when they smile are the upper canines (or cuspids.) Fun fact: these can also be called “dog teeth,” which makes sense given them being called canines. These arrive around 16 to 22 months.

With 17 months coming up, the lower canines are probably not too far behind. By 23 months, your little person can have up to 16 little teeth!

a guide to baby teeth
Image: iStock / decobrush

After two

Once your little one hits 24 months, there are only four baby teeth left! The upper and lower molars round out the party between 25 and 33 months.

If you’re ever worried about your kiddo’s teeth, talk to your pediatrician. And remember, by their second birthday, they should be making their first visit to the dentist to keep those pearly whites pearly!

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