Stupid Anti-Choice Group Gets Hordes Of Pro-Choicers To Buy Girl Scout Cookies With #Cookiecott

172248110 copyIf you needed another reason to love Girl Scout Cookies it’s here! A tiny pro-life organization in Texas has launched a nationwide campaign to stop the tyranny of the Girl Scouts by boycotting their cookies. They are spreading their message via Twitter with #cookiecott.

From Think Progress:

Toward the end of December, Girl Scout USA’s official Twitter account tweeted out a Huffington Post story about the inspiring individuals who should be considered to be 2013”²s ”women of the year.” The article included figures like Beyonce, Malala Yousafzai, and Wendy Davis ”” and the organization asked its followers who else should be added to the list of ”incredible ladies.” That was enough for anti-choice activists to call for a national boycott of the organization’s popular cookies, claiming the Girl Scouts have endorsed ”pro-abortion politician Wendy Davis.”

Some argue that sharing the tweet violates the Girl Scouts’ policy to stay uninvolved in politics. Here’s what #cookiecott aims to do about it.

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“Deep and lasting entanglement with abortion providers?” Yes, the Girl Scouts are deeply entangled with abortion providers, as everyone knows. Most of my friends who have had abortions were confused about whether to go to a Girl Scout cookie booth, or a doctor for the procedure. I told them to stop by the booth and grab a bunch of cookies to eat while getting the abortion – because YOLO!

Is there no Hobby Lobby in Waco? Do these people literally have nothing better to do with their time? Here’s what the website says about their mission and how you can become involved:

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Oh that’s nice. Intercept a little girl’s cookie sales with your stupid flier and hate-speech. That sounds like a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

The awesome thing is that #cookiecott has been seriously hijacked by the pro-choice movement, and the tiny little anti-choice group from Waco just did an amazing thing for Girl Scouts; they probably increased their sales this year by epic proportions.

As if I needed another excuse to eat a sleeve of frozen Thin Mints. Find the booth nearest you here.


(photo:, Getty Image)


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