Single Mom Goes Public On Weiner Sexting

Oh boy. In the world’s most bizarre press conference ever, Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat, finally admitted that he’s engaged in sexting and transmission of sexual images via social media. Just over a week ago, a picture appeared on his Twitter feed of a man in a state of arousal. It had been sent to a Seattle college student and then quickly deleted. He claimed he’d been hacked, then pranked, then hoaxed.

Today, many more stories came to light. Other women revealed pictures that they’d been sent or sex chats. Weiner is married to Huma Abedin, long-time aide to Hilary Clinton.

So he fessed up just as ABC News was preparing to release an interview with Meagan Broussard. She’s a 26-year-old Texan and also a single mother.

She provided dozens of photos, emails, messages and cell phone logs that showed how Rep. Weiner pursued her for a month, beginning in late April and ending when the other scandal came to light.

Broussard says she is going public with her story because she figured it would come out anyway and she wanted to tell her story before others figured it out. She also says she did it to protect her 3-year-old.

The daughter also played a part in a different part of the story. She says that Weiner called her one day from his office:

Then, she says, the conversation got personal. “He heard her [Broussard’s daughter] in the background, I think, and he said, ‘Oh is that –‘ and then he said her name, and I said, ‘yeah, it’s her birthday,’ and that kind of freaked me out because you had to pilfer through my Facebook to find out her name.”


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