13 Fun Facts I Learned About Sheryl Sandberg From Reading ‘Lean In’

lean inLean In is a lot of things, but one thing it is definitely not is boring. Sheryl Sandberg‘s book on that pesky terminology of “work life balance,” she admits, is not really a memoir. She explicitly specifies that it’s not really “a self-help book,” or “a book on career management.” Although she is comfortable with the descriptive “sort of feminist manifesto.” Frankly, Lean In is a hybrid of all the aforementioned labels, and the personal anecdotes of Sheryl’s own rise to the top of Silicon Valley perform as the perfect punctuation between some rousing lady career advice.

Sandberg admits early on in Lean In that she didn’t exactly set out the write The Book on gender bias in the professional sphere:

“I never thought I would write a book. I am no a scholar, a journalist, or a sociologist. But I decided to speak out after talking to hundreds of women, listening to their struggles, sharing my own, and realizing that the gains we have made are not enough and may even be slipping.”

But between encouraging professional women to “lean into” their work and “sit at the table” of company goings on (as well encouraging more men to “lean in” to their families), much about the Facebook COO herself can also be gleaned from Lean In.


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