A Better Post-Baby Jessica Simpson Bikini Shot Than You Could Have Imagined

Jessica Simpson was on Katie Couric‘s new show yesterday continuing the expertly marketed Weight Watchers narrative that we’re all so captivated by. Along with debuting a snippet of her new Weight Watchers commercial, in which she rehashes that whole “I’m not a supermodel!” angle to appeal to the “normal folks,” Jessica furnished us with a post-baby bikini shot. Although, it’s a little different than the one you probably had in mind.

Everyone knows that the whole “I’m losing weight” talk show circuit isn’t complete without a bikini reveal shot — for ladies that is. Jessica may not be ready to do the obligatory and degrading reveal herself, so she brought this adorable shot of Maxwell Drew Johnson instead. No explicit references to Jessica’s own bikini shot were made during the segment, nor was this expressly offered as a consolation to rabid audiences eager to see a nudey Jessica. But either way, the replacement serves as a humorous nod to one of the biggest cultural practices of publicized weight loss diets for women: strip down and show us the skinny.

I’m not eager to throw Jessica Simpson of all people points for being clever but the whole display is pretty meta. The new mother, or more likely, her team, saw a sweet way to mock one of the staples of body assessment for new mothers. And with the “awww!” factor too!

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