You Can’t Escape The #HavingItAll Debate

Anne-Marie Slaughter

The phrase “having it all” has brought the interwebs to new levels of squeamishness in response to that Atlantic piece you keep hearing so much about. While I personally dismiss the phrase as nothing more than a hook for silly daytime TV, the reaction to Anne-Marie Slaughter‘s piece on family and work has incited constructive responses everywhere. But as women throw down the piece in tears (as Anne-Marie claimed), or frustration, “having it all” stands to be redefined for this modern debate.

Although the author may have chosen to anchor her analysis in the popular phrase for the reasons she tweeted above, not everyone is in agreement with her assessment of what it even means to “have it all” — not surprisingly. So as women and men seek to define for themselves what constitutes a satisfying family and professional life for themselves, some ladies took to Twitter to scrutinize this cringe-worthy tagline to a much larger movement.


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