Enterprising Girl Scout Sells Cookies Outside Pot Clinic Because She Understands Location, Location, Location

safe_image.phpThis is amazingly brilliant. A 13-year-old Girl Scout picked the absolute best location to sell her cookies at, in front of the San Francisco Green Cross Medical Marijuana Clinic. Look out all you real estate moguls because this little kid obviously knows a lot about marketing. The Girl Scout, named Danielle was able to sell 117 boxes within two hours outside the cannabis clinic which was 37 more boxes than she usually sold standing outside of her local grocery store. From NBC Bay Area:

“It’s no secret that cannabis is an appetite stimulant — so it’s not shocking that a lot of our patients came and purchased cannabis, and then saw the cookies and purchased them,” said Holli Bert, a spokesperson for The Green Cross. “But it wasn’t just patients, staff members and neighbors also bought the cookies. I personally bought five boxes. It turned out to be a big success.”


Danielle’s efforts were such a success that she has been invited back to sell more cookies.  The Green Cross Facebook page is totally into the spirt of this, and they posted this meme:



and they also have a poll on their page asking if Girl Scouts should be able to sell outside pot dispensaries. I think it’s awesome, and incredibly smart, and as long as parents are OK with it I see nothing wrong with it. And now I want some Thin Mints.

(Images: Facebook)

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