Dax Shepard Accidentally Taught His 3-Year-Old to Swear

(Screengrab / EllenTube)

Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell have always seemed like normal, down-to-earth people who just also happen to be incredibly famous. Now that they have two daughters, it turns out they’re also normal, down-to-earth parents. Despite their glamorous careers, they still have the same parenting predicaments that we common folk have to deal with on the regular. On Tuesday’s episode of “The Ellen Degeneres Show,” Dax shared stories about raising his daughters that makes him sound even more relatable.

Desperate to keep his daughters from waking early (“The worst thing about owning kids is how early they wake up,” he explained), Dax has gone to great lengths to light-proof his daughters’ room. To keep every drop of sunlight out of the room, he’s covered their bedroom windows in aluminum foil (”It’s like they’re meth addicts”) and even puts a towel under the door. That is hardcore and I am here for it.

One night, after reading his daughters a bedtime story, he bent over to pick up the towel blocking the door and accidentally slammed the bridge of his nose into a shelf. That’ll happen when the room is pitch-black! “I almost blacked out, and I let a couple m-f-ers rip,” he said to Ellen. I’ve said much worse for much less.

Shepard hoped his daughters hadn’t heard him, but two days later, “Kristen’s walking down the hallway and Lincoln’s in her room trying to get this sweatshirt off ”” she’s like 3 ”” and her arms are all bound up in it and she’s getting frustrated and she goes, ‘Oh, F***!’”

Shepard and Bell decided the best course of action was to pretend it never happened, but at a pool party later in the week the three-year-old exclaimed, “This pool is f***ing warm!” The parents were mortified but also, “We were like, ‘She’s nailing the syntax. She knows that she’s using it as an adjective, an adverb.’ We were proud.” Luckily for them, Lincoln stopped saying the F word.

“I’m going to get the dad of the year award,” Dax said, laughing.

Watch the funny clip here.

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